EAB Model Documentation Help

Scenario Configuration

Dryad runs simulations across a combined set of configurations called "scenarios". Each scenario is made up of two parts, a fixed configuration that is static across the scenarios and a dynamic scenario specific configuration.

Scenarios are defined in the Scenarios.json file found in the root of the simulation project.

The fixed part of the configuration looks like the following. Here you can define the number of steps the simulation will take, the seed, and the species composition of mean-value (non inventory) simulation runs.

{ "NumberOfSteps": 20, "Seed": 0, "SpeciesComposition": [ { "Genus": "GenusName", "Species": "speciesName", "Ratio": 0.5 }, { "Genus": "GenusName2", "Species": "speciesName2", "Ratio": 0.5 } ] }

The following default Scenarios.json is generated if the file does not exist when running a new simulation.

{ "NumberOfSteps": 20, "Seed": 0, "SpeciesComposition": [ { "Genus": "Acer", "Species": "rubrum", "Ratio": 0.5 }, { "Genus": "Fraxinus", "Species": "americana", "Ratio": 0.25 }, { "Genus": "Tilia", "Species": "americana", "Ratio": 0.25 } ], "ScenarioParameters": [ { "ScenarioName": "Control", "InitialTreesCount": 2000, "Injected": false, "ReferenceYear": 2020, "ReplantCapacity": 500, "RemovalCapacity": 0 }, { "ScenarioName": "Injection", "InitialTreesCount": 2000, "Injected": true, "ReferenceYear": 2020, "ReplantCapacity": 500, "RemovalCapacity": 0 }, { "ScenarioName": "Removal", "InitialTreesCount": 2000, "Injected": false, "ReferenceYear": 2020, "ReplantCapacity": 500, "RemovalCapacity": 500 } ] }
Last modified: 20 February 2024